Providing Cutting-edge

Polygraph Training

Basic Polygraph Examiner Course
Advanced Education
Professional Polygraph Services

Years of business

Professionals Trained

Training examiners from state, local & international, governmental agencies, private individuals

Exceeding Standards.

The American International Institute of Polygraph (AIIP) is one of only eleven (11) training institutions in the United States that are accredited by the American Polygraph Association (APA) to teach the 400-hour Basic Polygraph Examiner Course.

The founder, Charles “Chuck” Slupski, as well as the current director, Robbie Frederick, were both trained at the Department of Defense Polygraph Institute (DoDPI), which is now called the National Center for Credibility Assessment (NCCA). AIIP teaches polygraph methodology, theory, and science, which echoes the US Federal Government school’s teaching, as closely as possible. The American International Institute of Polygraph (AIIP) was founded with the objective to provide leading-edge polygraph training to qualified, highly motivated, persons in law enforcement and other organizations.

Accredited by the APA and in compliance with all Georgia state and local licensing requirements, the The American International Institute of Polygraph is the cutting-edge destination for both basic and continued polygraph training.
Recognized by the American Association of Police Polygraphists.


Education Opportunities & Our Services

We exist to serve those who are not satisfied with just meeting the minimum standards for polygraph examiners, and want to exceed those minimum standards.

Basic Polygraph Examiner Course

Advanced Education

Professional Polygraph Services